Jurisdiction of Rawalpindi Cantonment Board

Year Established In 1849
Population (as Per 2013 Census) 900,000 Persons
Classification CLASS-I (A1)
Total Area 1,0172 Acres (41.16 SQ KM)
No. of Wards 10
RCB's Bazar Areas Sadar, Westridge, ADRA, Daryaabda, R.A Bazar, Tench Bazar
Classification Description Area (Acres)
A1 Land Active use of Army 1,174.21
A – 2  land  Reserved  for  army 34.76
B – 1  land F.G.  Other  than Defence 57.28
B – 2  land Provincial  Govt. 129.40
B – 3  land Leased  land 433.92
B- 4  land Surplus  land 65.23
C  land Cantt  board 253.41
Private   land - 8,026.79
Total Land   10,172